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Meyer-Näkel 2019 Dernauer Pfarrwingert Spätburgunder Grand Cru dry red wine

Meyer-Näkel 2019 Dernauer Pfarrwingert Spätburgunder Grand Cru dry

Regular price £89.85

Jancis Robinson - 18.5 

VDP.GROSSE AGE distinguishes the highest quality German vineyards. These wines have a complex taste, expressive character and excellent ageing potential. The VDP regional associations take great care of these locations.
Dry wines from VDP.GROSSE LAGE are called VDP.GROSSE GEWÄCHS.

Vineyard: In Dernau, the Ahr valley widens after its narrow points and offers space for a steep valley basin in which the Pfarrwingert lies. The name of the vineyard goes back to the Catholic parish church of Dernaus, which is still the landowner in this area. The south facing slopes with easily warmed ground, leads to a favourable microclimate in this location. Rich in granular greywacke sediment and slate fragments, the soil has a sandstone-like structure. The Pfarrwingert brings extramely fragrant wines with subtle fruit and fine flavour pronounced minerality.

Vinification: Old vines, sustainable vineyard work, consistent yield reduction and careful handpicking of the Spätburgunder grapes form the basis of this wine. The yield is around 30 hl/ha. The grapes are gently transported to the winery in small boxes, spontaneous fermentation, 20 days maceration time on the mash, ageing in barriques (70% new oak) on the fine yeast for 18 months, followed by six months in bottle storage. The wine is then bottled unfiltered.

Wine: This Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir) is characterised by the aroma of wild red berries, blueberries and cherries. This intense clear fruit is underlined by spicy herbal components, as well as roasted and violet notes. On the palate, it shows an animated freshness and saltiness, firm minerality and depth. This Pinot Noir shows complexity with a mouth-filling, silky tannin structure.

Alcohol: 13,5% vol.
Res. sugar: 0,1 g/l
Acidity: 5,7 g/l