Schloss Reinhartshausen’s Hohenrain Riesling Alte Reben (Old Vines) Dry white wine received Harpers Wine Stars ‘Five Star’ rating in 2019, with judges agreeing that it is well priced, has good acidity, fruit and concentration. They described it as “juicy, fruity and spritzy”.
"The more site-specific the origin of a wine, the higher its quality." has for centuries been the guiding principle for Schloss Reinhartshausen. So they begin where many others have already stops. It is as simple as it's sounds, but not less labour intensive. Their vineyards are maintained and self-managed with a great deal of lifeblood, expertise and, not least, plenty of work carried out of hand. Healthy, ripe grapes create the best wine which is the best ambassador of its origin. After careful, selected hand picking and gentle pressing, the quality from the vineyard is preserved and developed further in the cellar. "The very best quality through controlled idleness."
Cru wines are gently pressed by horizontal wooden presses involving intense manual labour.
Vineyard: The Hohenrain, located above the old centre of Erbach, is situated on a south slope with a gradient of 10%. That guarantees sunbeams until early evening hours. The site is protected from harsh west-wind by a wall of 3 meters. In 1619 the site has been mentioned for the first time as "wingart des reyngen" and in 1543 as the "Hohenreine". The term "Rain" means a slope at the edge of agricultural land of a community, which means in that case that the wine site is in direct neighbourhood to the sites of the community of the village Kiedrich.
In a Hohenrein you find deep loess-loam and tertiary marly soil. ‘Alte Ruben’ means ‘Old Vines’, Old vines have thicker and much deeper roots, enabling them to take up more extracts and minerals from the soil than younger plants. It’s this that gives the wine its powerful character.
Wine: The vines do have very deep roots in related to their high age. Therefore they show intensive fruit aromas: ripe, white vineyard peach, apricot and yellow citrus fruit.
Keep: Can keep an other 5-7 years and even more. Need to keep the storage temperature 12°C
Alcohol: 11,5% vol.
Res. sugar: 7,2 g/l
Acidity: 9,6 g/l