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Decanter World Wine Awards 2019

Decanter Award Winning German Wines 2019

German wines shine in the world’s largest wine competition, winning platinum and gold medals in the Decanter World Wine Awards 2019. We’ll drink to that!

The Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA) saw top wine experts from around the globe, including Masters of Wine and Master Sommeliers assessed over 16,000 wines, during an intense week of judging in London.

The best performing German wine was Meyer-Näkel’s 2016 Dernauer Pfarrwingert Spätburgunder Grand Cru dry wine, which achieved the Platinum Award. A wonderful full-bodied German Pinot Noir, it is an extremely aromatic, fruity and subtle wine that displays pure elegance.

Winemakers Wirsching also did exceptionally well, winning three gold awards for their incredible 2016 Iphöger Julius Echter Berg Silvaner, their powerful 2016 Iphöger Julius Echter Berg Riesling and, the ultimate indulgence, their noble sweet 2016 Iphöfr Julius Echter Berg Riesling Beerenauslese.

The competition is now in its 16th year and, due its rigorous judging process, the Decanter awards have become the most trusted and influential wine awards in the world. Judging is organised into categories, initially based on region. Judges, who are experts in that region, blind-taste each wine individually. They know the region, style and price bracket, but don’t know the wine producer or brand name. They grade the wine fairly based on its own merits, then compare notes on it and reach a consensus on each wine’s medal.

Other wines that have impressed wine critics this year include Schloss Reinhartshausen’s rich & fruity 2017 Erbacher Schlossberg Riesling Spätlese and their fresh 2017 Erbacher Marcobrunn Riesling Kabinett. Both took the Gold Awards at the International Wine Challenge 2019.

The WineBarn team would like to congratulate all of the winning winemakers on their fantastic achievements.

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